The Reel Debaters Podcast

Where The "Art" Of Cinema Meets The Power Of Debate
Thank you so much! Make sure you leave your email so we can follow up with any needed details.
You need to producer credit at least $1
Your text can't be anymore than 150 characters.

Donations are the heart of the production lab here at The Reel Debaters Podcast.

When you throw your pocket change our way it compounds and goes right back into the show and everything we do here from graphic design to rental equipment for live events.

1.00-5.00 Co-Production Credit Shout Out

We put you front and centre on the show and thank you proper for it with a shout out and a one sentence review of your favourite film or show. 

5.00-10.00 Production Notes for an episode.

Your choice of debater and their pick for that week on a debate episode or a topic of your choosing on a reel talk with a one sentence review of you favorite movie or show you just watched. Details to follow

25.00 Episode Producer

You pick the idea around the debate of the week or full control of a reel talk with 2 topic choices of your choosing with a one sentence review of you favourite movie or show you just watched. Details to follow.